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With over 100,000 petrol filling stations across Europe alone, the cost of installing, maintaining and upgrading different types of equipment with different standards has proved a costly nightmare for the industry. By introducing common technology standards substantial amounts can be saved by implementing forecourt equipment, which although from different vendors is both inter-connectable and interchangeable.

The use of standards effectively allows Retailers to treat devices as commodities, and select those most appropriate for their needs, while also benefiting from simpler installation. It also allows each device to be changed or upgraded independently, so reducing the lifetime maintenance costs for the forecourt.


The IFSF standards have been established by leading experts and will save manufacturers time and costs on research and development. They allow development resource to concentrate on improving the product, rather than defining and re-building interfaces. In addition the IFSF compliance is becoming a strong selling tool.

To help implement its standards IFSF has retained the services of Haia, a specialist international consultancy, which provides technical support to manufacturers of forecourt equipment, and is maintaining and extending the standards and test tools already established by the IFSF.


There are several options for your organisation to become a member of IFSF:

Full Membership is open to fuel retailers including both oil companies and major retail groups. Full members have the right to appoint a Director to the IFSF board to help to shape the future technical direction of the fuel retailing industry. The annual membership fee is £14,000.

Technical Associate Membership is normally suppliers to the oil industry. Technical Associates often want to work closely with the IFSF working parties, developing, documenting and modifying the standards or incorporating agreed standards into their products or services. The annual membership fee ranges from £500 to £4,000 dependent on size of organisation and the level of involvement that the TA wishes to enjoy in IFSF activities.

Associate Member Membership is open to any Fuel Retailer who is the Brand Owner and not a current Full Member. The annual membership fee is £5,000

Partner Organisation Membership will suit organisations from related industries who are closely involved in using and working to develop the IFSF family of standards, helping these to gain a wider acceptance. The annual membership fee is £2,500.

Event Contact Membership is appropriate for those individuals, organisations or companies who are interested in joining the IFSF mailing list to receive our newsletters and information on IFSF events. This level of membership is free. To become an Event Contact, please contact our Admin Team.

To view details on which each membership level provides, please click here. (notes available here).

To apply to become a Technical Associate Member, please complete the online application form.

If you would like to discuss membership, or discuss becoming a Full or Associate Member, or a Partner Organisation, please contact our Admin Team.

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